An expert guided 4-week digital challenge to jumpstart your core and pelvic floor healing journey from the comfort of your home.


Watch the video below to learn more about the challenge:

Here's what's included:

🌸 The Female Athlete's App Guided Workouts: Follow easy step video demonstrations of exercises with Dr. Courtney's verbal cueing so you learn how to execute the movements properly and get the most out of each workout.

The workouts will include FULL body + core specific movements ( thats how's you train the core/pelvic floor, vs laying on your back.). It will NOT be workout videos, but sets of exercises.

  • Programming details:

    • There will be 3 workouts + mobility and pelvic floor relaxation exercises per week to complete. Each participant can move the workouts around to fit their schedule on their own in-app calendar.

    • Each workout ranges about 30-40 minutes and can be added into an already established workout routine as a supplemental accessory program.

🌸 Recorded Group Zoom Calls: Each week there will be a group 1:1 zoom call with Dr. Courtney & Coach Renee covering various topics to help you understand your body, how to activate the correct muscle groups, and women's health tips that will help your performance and overall wellness (replay available if you cannot make it)

  • Topics include:

    • Week 1: Learning to activate your pelvic floor & deep core correctly

    • Week 2: Reducing leakage & Optimizing deep core function for exercise

    • Week 3: Signs & symptoms of all core and pelvic floor dysfunction & tips for prevention

    • Week 4: Learning & maintaining healthy habits for LIFE

🌸 Group Chat: Get access to the coaches to ask questions, connect with other members, and use the community as support and motivation throughout the challenge. There will also be a 'challenge' within the app and the top 3 participants with the most points will win small prizes in the end for reward of commitment and participation within the group.

🌸 1:1 Call with Dr. Courtney: If you are struggling with specific pelvic floor related issues you can schedule a 1:1 call with Dr. Courtney to discuss them and develop a game plan. This is free.

How does it sound to...

  • be in the gym without fear of making things worse 'down there'

  • reduce unwanted aches and pains in your low back, hips, and pelvis

  • stop leakage with running, jumping, coughing, sneezing

  • know that you can prevent pelvic floor issues in the future

Because we want to help women who:

  • thrive with an easy to follow plan over the next 4 weeks

  • need someone to educate them on the right way to activate muscles

  • want some beginner level guidance to start their healing journey and rebuild their bodies foundation

  • are ready to kick excuses aside and take control of their health "down there"

Meet Your Coaches:

Dr. Courtney

Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist

Strength and Conditioning Specialist

Pre/Postnatal Fitness Coach

Coach Renee

Physical Therapy Assistant

Certified Personal Trainer

Pre/Postnatal Fitness Coach

Let's put this into perspective...

For the price of $99, here's what else you could get:


3 weeks of daily Starbucks coffee

While those morning lattes may provide a temporary caffeine boost, they pale in comparison to the lasting benefits of investing in your health and wellness.


One shopping spree

A shopping spree might bring momentary joy, but the clothes and accessories you purchase won't provide the long-term health benefits and empowerment that come from committing to your wellness.


A monthly mani/pedi appointment

Treating yourself to a mani/pedi is a luxurious indulgence, but it won't provide the same transformative impact on your physical and emotional well-being as feeling put together 'down there' would.

FAQ about the challenge:

Who is this for?

Anyone! If you have a pelvic floor and a core (which we all do), THIS IS FOR YOU! Whether you are pregnant, postpartum, or neither, this challenge is exactly made for you. If you are someone who struggles with connecting with their core and/or or pelvic floor, this challenge is for you! This challenge is meant to help you get down to the basics, and learn foundational principles about your core and pelvic floor, and most importantly gain strength and endurance in those muscles to better support your body.

What is the pelvic floor?

Your pelvic floor muscles are a group of muscles that lie at the bottom of the pelvis. These muscles have many functions like maintaining continence, supporting our pelvic organs, providing sexual sensations, and more. These muscles are extremely important to pay attention to with aging as they are often neglected and are not directly trained.

The pelvic floor muscles also tend to contribute to a lot of issues in and around the pelvis so it's important to understand where they are, what they do, and how to best support them so we can avoid issues altogether down the road.

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Why do I need to strengthen my core and pelvic floor?

Because your core is arguably one of the most essential muscle groups. You core is made up more than just your abdominal muscles. Your "core" is the pelvic floor, diaphragm, spinal muscles, and abdominal muscles.

Strengthening these muscle groups will reduce pelvic floor dysfunction like leakage, risk of prolapse, low back and SI joint pain and improve sexual functions.

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How do I get the workouts?

You will create a profile inside of The Female Athlete's branded app and all of your workouts and community support group will be inside of the app. After signing up you will get an automated email from the app Trainerize to complete your profile.

The app also has a way to track your nutrition and progress photos for the challenge.

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What kind of equipment will I need?

You can do this program anywhere as long as you have bands and preferably a set of moderate dumbbells (although not required with the workouts, you could add for extra challenge with your resistance bands). These workouts can be done at home or at the gym in conjunction with your other plans you may be doing. You can do this with bodyweight, however we strongly encourage a set of big and small loop bands.

I recommend purchasing this set of big loop bands and small loop bands for the challenge so you can for sure do every movement with some added resistance to continue to build strength and endurance. These bands last forever and are a great (and cheap) investment!

What if I am pregnant?

No worries! These are all safe exercises to do. However, if you require specific modifications because of breathing issues, pain or lack of range of motion, no big deal! Just reach out to Dr. Courtney or Coach Renee and we will be able to provide any modification necessary during the challenge.

What if I can't make the live group zoom calls?

While we realy encourage everyone to come to the live group zoom calls to get the most out of this challenge, stay involved in the community, get their questions answered, and are able to stay accountable by being surrounded by the community, all the zoom calls will be recorded for all challengers to watch on their own time.

I don't live in the United States, can I still participate?

You can participate wherever you are in the world. Our app is available on both apple and android. The workouts are scheduled on your calendar and you have free reign to move them around as you wish to complete at your own time. The group zoom education calls will be recorded so you are able to watch that anytime if you are unable to make it to the live zoom time.

I didn't get an email after I purchased, what should I do?

Please email for any issues with purchasing the challenge and we will get you taken care of asap.

Still Not Sure?

More Words From Our Last Challenges:

"I joined this challenge because after having 3 kids, I was having leakage during burpee's and double under, to name a few. Along with urgency while running and walking outside. I thought this is normal and I just have to deal with it the rest of my life. But after training and running my first full marathon in November 2023, I was fed up with having wet pants all the time. It's extremely embarrassing and so annoying. After doing this 4 week challenge I have tips and tricks to master those urgency's and not come running in the house with my legs crossed or hands holding myself because I have to pee so bad. I will continue to strengthen, my deep core/pelvic floor with the workouts we have been doing. So that one day I can jump on our trampoline without having leakage and not having wet pants after running! I never thought this would ever be a possibility but after this challenge I KNOW IT IS! I can't thank Courtney enough!"


"No trigger points in my pelvic floor led to pain free sex!!!!🙌🏻❤️ so excited. I can't believe the benefits I've seen from the deep core work. Thank you so much Courtney Johnson for this awesome program and accountability!"


"I like how personal the calls felt, given from home, and showing exercises on the floor to answer questions from us directly "on air". The slides were informative and I learned a lot from your presentations "


"I enjoyed the mix of relaxation and strengthening exercises"


"I can't believe how far I've come in just four weeks with the challenge! When I first signed up, I have to admit, I was incredibly nervous. I'd always struggled with core strength and pelvic floor issues, and the thought of addressing these problems was daunting.

The first week was challenging, and I had doubts about whether I could stick with it with a newborn, but the workouts didn't take too much time at all. My core started to get stronger, and my pelvic floor issues were improving. By the end, I felt like I could start working out on my own with more confidence in the gym. I am excited to continue working out finally!"


"Please keep offering programs and content!"


"I loved the calls, so much information and better than googling and getting misinformed"


"I loved the zoom calls and all the info Courtney has prepared. I also appreciated that she was confident and comfortable taking questions from all of us as she went through her material"


"I thought you did an excellent job presenting the information, answering any and all questions and making pelvic floor distinction more normalized. I felt right at home in the group after realizing how many women struggle just like me. Thanks so much for making it easy to follow and commit."


"I am so grateful that you share your wisdom with us. Thank you."


"The deep core exercises got me back to the basics and even after being in the fitness industry for the past 15 years I learned quite a few new things- it was awesome! I definitely started to feel more aware of the tension/relaxation in my pelvic floor and was able to experience pain-free sex after just 2 weeks on the program. I have had interstitial cystitis for the past 10 years, so feeling like I was in control of my own body for once was astounding!"


"Felt a lot of improvement over the 4 weeks. Less leakage with squatting and able to move heavier weights. So really happy with the progress. Plenty more to go."


"I loved participating in the 4 week challenge! Even as a competitive powerlifter, I knew my core control needed some work, and if I got the added benefit of less SUI as a result I was all game! I loved the help progressing some of the workouts that I needed to feel better connection, and saw some pretty marked improvement with my pelvic floor function in my squats as a result! Ready for more improvement as I keep employing some of the skills I learned in those 4 short weeks!"


"I loved it! I haven't really been working out for the last year or so and I feel like it was a good way to get me back into workouts because they were short and sweet and I feel like they were very effective. I don't leak now when I cough or sneeze so thats a win too!"


"The challenge was a good way for me to connect with my core. I feel like even after having my twins 5 years ago I haven't really been able to 'connect' with my core again when working out so this really helped me gain that confidence in my workouts."


"This program was a perfect balance of stretching and strengthening for pelvic floor and also education. I was able to do this at home or while traveling!"


"I think just the ability to realize that downscaling my lifts back to functional core training was progression instead of regression. I’ve always loved heavy lifting but have not done specific enough deep core work to go with it, so it was fun learning that I truly need to prioritize that!"


"Thanks so much for everything during the past 4 weeks!!! It was a great mix of exercises and the zoom calls were so informative. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to join every one live due to prior commitments but watching the replays I appreciate all the prep you put into them. I am definitely walking away from this challenge feeling stronger and better about my symptoms."


"Just took my final measurements from the 4 week challenge and OH MY GOODNESS!! I lost 4.5 inches all over and my core FINALLY feels like it’s starting to get strong again!! I’m two years postpartum and I haven’t been able to fully activate my core since I got pregnant in 2021. I’ve also noticed I can safely sneeze and cough again! thank you, again, for such an amazing program to help jumpstart the healing process!!"


"Very knowledgeable & great energy overall. I appreciate you passion to helping with a topic that is very often overlooked and deemed as just a part of being a woman."


"#1 Doing it #2 Being willing to shift my mindset #3 Experiencing the benefits of shifting my mindset #5 Seeing the deepening of my workouts #6 the awareness of how my body works #7 Empowered... sooooo .... much more!"


"They went really well. I still need to work on doing the relaxations as frequently but I felt like the strengthening exercises were really helpful. Today I tried jogging for the first time just to see how I felt. I kept a slower pace and tried ot make sure I felt in control of my breathing, core and deep pelvic floor muscles but I didn't experience any incontinence and actually felt really good during the jog. I still feel like I have a little ways to go before I can return to higher impact activities like jumping or running faster but overall I feel like I made some really good progress!"


"You guys are amazing!! Thanks for making this information so accessible."


"THANK you for being available on the app to answer questions and give alternate exercises!"


Now it's your turn.

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